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The transgender debate isn't going away. (AP Photo/Jose Luis Magana, File)
The transgender debate isn’t going away. (AP Photo/Jose Luis Magana, File)

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No, the thousands of women demonstrators outside the State House the other day were not coming after Billy Galvin, the secretary of state, who works there.

They were after Elon Musk, who doesn’t.

It only seemed that they were after Galvin, 75, in their scorched earth demonstration, since he is the only man left holding statewide office, an office he has held for more than 30 years.

All the other statewide offices from Gov. Marua Healey down to state Auditor Diana DiZoglio are held by women, including Lt. Gov. Kim Driscoll, Attorney General Andrea Campbell, and state Treasurer Deborah Golberg.

So obviously, Billy, the last man standing, has got to go to make for a clean sweep.

Also, the state Senate is commanded by Senate President Karen Spilka. And while the House is still run by a man, Speaker Ron Mariano, it is only a matter of time before he is followed by a woman, or at least a man in transition.

The mayor of Boston, Michelle Wu, is a woman, as is U.S Attorney Leah Foley.

So, what’s the beef?

In addition, one of our two U.S. senators is a progressive woman, while the other one talks like one. And while only three of the state’s nine progressive members of the U.S. House of Representatives are women, they all vote alike.

If you don’t think so, then just look at their vote on House-approved legislation, stymied in the Senate, that would ban boys and men from participating in girls and women’s sports in schools and colleges.

In an era when 80% of people polled do not want men competing in women’s sports, all nine members in the House and both Senators. Elizabeth Warren and Eddie Markey also voted against banning them.

In other words, they voted in favor of allowing boys and men who identify as girls and women to compete with them in women’s sports.

Consequently, men who fail to win anything in college swimming, for instance, compete as biological men against women and win events they could not previously have won competing against men.

Strangely, all the politicians are Democrats who, cult like, believe in the protection of women’s rights, except when it comes to protecting women from biological men competing as women in female athletic events.

While the women demonstrators on International Women’s Day marched to the State House after a protest outside a Tesla showroom on Boylston St., no mention was made of allowing men to participate in women’s sports.

Instead, they held signs and chanted about Musk proposed cuts in the federal workforce, immigration, gay rights, trans rights, racism, tax policy and the fighting in Gaza and Ukraine.

Nobody chanted in favor of protecting women in high school and college sports from competing with biological men participating as women.

The issue was in front of their eyes, but they looked away.

This is understandable if you are a progressive woman because none of your progressive Democrat Party leaders, in fear of offending the miniscule trans community, are in favor of protecting women athletes.

Massachusetts has two good examples. One is Gov. Maura Healey, who, despite standing 5-feet, 4-inches, starred at women’s basketball at Harvard. She hardly would have been such a standout had she been forced to play against 6-foot, 4-inch men towering over her.

The other is U.S. Rep. Lori Trahan of Westford. She won a college scholarship to Georgetown University for women’s volleyball when she played against girls, not biological men. Had she played against boys in high school, chances are she would not have gotten that scholarship.

Yet both are against banning biological men from competing against women in women’s sports.

Go figure.

Veteran political reporter Peter Lucas can be reached at: